One such person is Shai Agassi... Agassi, a former SAP executive, has launched a company that focuses on one of the 21st century's biggest challenges - developing a sustainable, environmental solution for converting country-wide transportation systems toward electricity and away from fossil fuel.
Agassi's company, Project Better Place has $200 Million Backing to transform countries from Oil-based transportation to electric vehicles through electric recharge grid infrastructure.
The planet is running out of natural resources and mankind is running out of time - Project Better Place has the vision, plan, investors and the partners to make scalable electric transportation a reality on a global scale and reduce the world's dependency on oil. They to make the world a better place - one electric car at a time.
An eye-opening fact is a statement by Agassi on his blog that the cost of the average used car in Europe is now cheaper than the cost of gasoline to drive it for a year!
In terms of its business model, the Project Better Place Fact Sheet states:
The business model for the electric cars will be similar to that used by mobile phone operators. In the same way that wireless operators deploy a network of cell towers to provide an area of mobile phone coverage, Project Better Place will establish a network of charging spots and battery exchange stations to provide ubiquitous access to electricity to power electric vehicles. The company will partner with car makers and source batteries so that consumers who subscribe to the network can get subsidized vehicles which are cheaper to buy and operate than today’s fuel-based cars. Consumers will still own their cars and will have multiple car models to choose from.
Kudos to Shai Agassi! A visionary entrepreneur with an intent to change the world and create a better future. Go check out Project Better Place and Shai's blog... inspirational and though provoking stuff. O yes, the video of Shai's presentation at the launch of Project Better Place is also a must-see.